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Don't Make Me Ill AFI

При желании вы можете слушать Don't Make Me Ill онлайн, либо скачать в mp3 от AFI. Так же мы стараемся делать доступными тексты произведений и их видео клипы.

Исполнитель песни: AFI

Название: Don't Make Me Ill

Продолжительность файла mp3: 02:40

Когда добавлен: 2014-10-21

Просмотров: 682

Рейтинг песни: 0

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Текст песни:

Right now we're got a reason to live, but it's got nothing to do with you.
We've got a lot of places we're gonna go,
a lot of things that we're gonna do.
In your world we may be no
one, but what makes you think you're someone?
We have got just what we need and we don't need you.
No one.
I can tell where our future lies, and you can tell we've got nothing to hide.
The way things seem to me right now, everything will be just time.
We're gonna do it our way.
We don't need you to darken our day.
We've never given up before and this stand won't be our first time.
No one's gonna tell me, I'm gonna do it my way.
No one's gonna tell me how to get it done.


AFI - Answer That And Stay Fashionable (FULL)


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