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Who Said You Could Touch Me ? AFI

При желании вы можете слушать Who Said You Could Touch Me ? онлайн, либо скачать в mp3 от AFI. Так же мы стараемся делать доступными тексты произведений и их видео клипы.

Исполнитель песни: AFI

Название: Who Said You Could Touch Me ?

Продолжительность файла mp3: 01:24

Когда добавлен: 2015-07-10

Просмотров: 806

Рейтинг песни: 0

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Текст песни:

You don't know who I am so,
you can not get close to me and I don't know who you are,
so just leave me alone.
I know you can't believe the anxiety you're causing me
and I know you can't believe your fake compassion I don't need.

Get away from me,
You're standing too close.
Keep your hands off of me.
Keep away from me,
Just leave me alone, who said you could touch me anyway?

Don't try to rub my shoulders and don't try to hold my hand.
Don't try to give me a fucking hug.
You crawl on me as if I were your very best of friends.
I don't even know your name.

Get away from me
You're standing too close.
Keep your hands off of me.
Keep away from me
Just leave me alone, who said you could touch me anyway?

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. ah!


A.F.I. - Who said You Could Touch Me


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