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Anarchy In The U.K. Megadeth

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Исполнитель песни: Megadeth

Название: Anarchy In The U.K.

Продолжительность файла mp3: 03:00

Когда добавлен: 2014-10-07

Просмотров: 831

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Ещё песни исполнителя Megadeth

Текст песни:

Right now!

I am an Antichrist,
and I am an anarchist.
Don't know what I want, but I know how to get it,
I wanna destroy the passer by

Cause I want to be Anarchy. No dog's body.

Anarchy for the U.S.A
It's coming sometime it maybe.
I give a wrong time, stop a traffic light.
Your future dream is a shopping spree.

Cause I want to be Anarchy, in the city.

Of many ways to get what you want
I use the best, I use the rest.
I use the enemy,
I use anarchy.

Cause I want to be Anarchy, it's the only way to be.

Is this the M.P.L.A.?
Is this the U.D.A.?
Is this the I.R.A.?
I thought it was the U.S.A, or just another country
Another council tenancy.
Cause I want to be Anarchy, cause I want to be Anarchy,
you know what I mean?

Cause I want to be an Anarchist, again I'm pissed



Megadeth - Anarchy In The UK (Live 1992)


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